Thursday, July 12, 2007

John Taylor Gatto on System of Education!

I asked this question in Yahoo...

Why does the current system of Education in our world alienate theory & practice, confuse & burden the child?

Children of today's world are burdened with heavy syllabus and they have no concept-based learning. What they learn in school for 17 years and college for 4 years has no connection with what they experience in the real world of work. Moreover, they are always made to understand that education has to be related to the amount of money they earn in the current world. The result is that children lose their interest to go to school and the actual learning process and mostly are exam driven and they have to force themselves to go to school simply because they have to survive the current system. Many children drop out of schools and some of them are so stressed out that they cannot handle any issue without being scared. Education on the other hand has to be fun for the children and not intimidate them and push them to the edge.

...and I got an answer from Limbonia asking me to read books written by John Taylor Gatto...

Please read the following pages to get an idea about what Gatto's work is like...

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